Binding Site - Monoclonal Gammopathies Animation

The Binding Site faced the challenge of educating viewers about the signs and symptoms associated with Multiple Myeloma, emphasising the critical role of early detection in effective treatment. We tackled this by simplifying a complex script originally written by the medical liaisons at Binding Site. The resulting animation has become a powerful tool for spreading awareness about Monoclonal Gammopathies and educating the global target audience.


Monoclonal gammopathy disorders encompass a spectrum from benign to malignant conditions. The Binding Site faced the challenge of educating viewers about the signs and symptoms associated with Multiple Myeloma, emphasising the critical role of early detection in effective treatment.


We tackled this by simplifying a complex script originally written by the medical liaisons at Binding Site. Our goal was to create easily digestible content for a diverse audience of science and healthcare professionals across multiple languages. Additionally, we crafted vibrant 2D assets and animated them to produce an engaging explainer.


The resulting animation has become a powerful tool for spreading awareness about Monoclonal Gammopathies and educating the global target audience.

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